The above photographer I am referring to is Sonaal, one of my most creative friends. He is from Bombay and his photographs are a stairway to heaven!
The above photographer I am referring to is Sonaal, one of my most creative friends. He is from Bombay and his photographs are a stairway to heaven!
Recently, I was in a mess. What the hell! I am always in a mess. And one fine day, I woke up from my deep slumber, thanks to those noise-aholics and mosquitoes in Chennai, and I started penning down my mess (for lack of a creative synonym and unanimity). The result – I found THE secret solution to all my hitches. In fact, most likely everyone’s dilemmas in life!
The art of forgetting. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth to remember. Forget the past and forget the future. However, I am not restraining you from planning for the future. Just stop worrying about it so much! Be different and follow what you like. Like Frankie said, do it your way (Yes - the song)!
The present demands a little forgetful memory too. You know – to not sit in a corner and cry or make a fool of yourself! Like, forgetting what you ruined in a presentation. Or forgetting when you lost money in stocks. Or forgetting a cold war with a good friend. Or forgetting that you are probably falling in love with someone who isn’t! And I am not making it up, the solution does work. It's working.